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The Ultimate Prep Guide Before You Arrive In Canada

Immigrating to a new country is a life-changing experience. This book tells you how to prepare for life in Canada so that you can begin reaping the rewards of your hard work soon after you land here and integrate with ease.

About the e-book

Creating your success story in Canada begins with the right preparation while you are still in your home country. This book – written by New Canadians team member Bookie Adekanye – provides insight into key aspects of the life of a new immigrant in Canada. You will find information, practical advice from other immigrants, and a tool for creating a roadmap that will move you closer to the realization of your Canadian dream.


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What will you learn from this e-book?
  • Mental preparation for the transition: As a newcomer, getting the right support and having a positive attitude will help you integrate into the new culture faster and better while you retain your identity and individuality.
  • Practical tips from other immigrants: The lived experiences of other immigrants who have been on a similar journey are invaluable. Their lessons learned in hindsight will reduce your learning curve and help you avoid pitfalls common to most newcomers.
  • Developing a roadmap for your life and career in Canada: You will be able to identify opportunities and start building your network from abroad to get a head start, gain traction, and achieve your Canadian dream faster.
  • Preparing for the move: You will get the opportunity to download a custom checklist that will help you create an action plan, and take practical steps to prepare as you count down to your arrival day in Canada.